Breaking Down Barriers In HIV-vulnerable Communities
Driving HIV Prevention Amongst the Most At-Risk

Motivate those most vulnerable to HIV in the US – Black gay and bisexual men and transgender women and Hispanic/Latinx communities, with empowering, sex-positive and stigma-busting messaging to drive awareness of HIV prevention and encourage them to speak with their partners and healthcare providers.
We knew that stigma was preventing candid HIV prevention conversation, and sexual health was a topic people would only talk about with people they trust. So we enlisted those trusted voices. The My HealthySexual campaign engaged minority, transgender and gay influencers and community organizations to shape “Healthysexual” content for sharing with most at-risk population segments through targeted paid and earned media.

Through deep geo-targeting, we reached critical mass within all of our target audiences, generating hundreds of thousands of content engagements particularly amongst our target audience of Southern 18-34 year-olds. The campaign received an outpouring of support from a typically skeptical and hard to engage audience.